Saturday 16 June 2018

Here is a great article by Beckers Spine Review about Robotic Spine Surgery. If you or someone you know is about to undergo spine surgery, we urge you to look into using robotic technology. Statistic,ally it is much safer, accurate, and produces better results for the patients than regular freehand spine surgery.

Here is a great article by Beckers Spine Review about Robotic Spine Surgery. If you or someone you know is about to undergo spine surgery, we urge you to look into using robotic technology. Statistic,ally it is much safer, accurate, and produces better results for the patients than regular freehand spine surgery.

15 things to know about robotic spine surgery

Robotics is making its mark on the spine industry, promising high accuracy and low complication rates. Here are 15 key notes on the expanding field of robotics in spine surgery.
